When reference field Label contains " fields", the dot walked fields from referenced table is not added to the form layoutDescriptionWhen reference field Label contains " fields", the dot walked fields from the referenced table is not added to the form layoutSteps to Reproduce 1) Open any incident record2) Navigate to configure > Form Layout3) Create a reference fielda) Name : User fieldsb) DB column name : Auto populatedc) Type : Referenced) Table : any Table (Say sys_user)e) Click on Addf) Click on Save14) On the incident record, navigate to configure > FormLayout15) In the available slush bucket, Find the field "User fields" and click on + Icon16) From the expanded list, add any field to selected.17) Click SaveExpected : The selected field should show up on the incident record.Actual : The selected field is not visible on the incident record.WorkaroundThis problem has been fixed. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1415545