Edge Proxy upgrade failure with space issueIssue Manually upgrade an Edge Encryption proxy server failing with disk space issue. While trying to upgrade the Edge Proxy you receive the following error: # java -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/emp/temp -jar edgeencryption-paris-06-24-2020__patch7-02-25-2021_03-03-2021_0818.jar -m dist-upgrade -c /opt/app/servicenow/edgeproxy_443/ > java.io.IOException No space left on deviceCauseYou will get the error "java.io.IOException No space left on device" while trying to upgrade the Edge Proxy. The reason is that during the install the entire Proxy folder is copied to the Java temp folder during install temporarily. By default temp folder is '/tmp/'. In some cases the users /tmp/ partition will not have enough room to store the copy. Therefore the Update fails.Resolution1) Stop the proxy (just in case to make sure its not running) + ./Shutdown.sh 2) Check the size of the current proxy folder it will be more than "tmp" folder size. + example >> cd /opt/app/servicenow/ (example size is 2.9 GB which is more than tmp folder which is 2 GB)+ du -sh * 3) Create a folder/directory where that has enough room to store the Proxy folder. in this example it needs to be over 2GB. + df -h+ /home ( example got around 7 GB available)+ cd /home+ mkdir temp 4) Run installation command with one extra parameter to use a different temp folder that has more space than "/tmp" folder: # java -Djava.io.tmpdir=<tmp directory> -jar edgeencryption-dist-<version>-linux-x86-64.jar -m dist-upgrade -c <proxy directory> Example command:# java -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/emp/temp -jar edgeencryption-paris-06-24-2020__patch7-02-25-2021_03-03-2021_0818.jar -m dist-upgrade -c /opt/app/servicenow/edgeproxy_443/ 5) Start the proxy - ./Startup.sh