How can you use a relative duration in a Wait-For-Condition's timeout?DescriptionIn Flow Designer's Wait-For-Condition you can set a timeout. Sometimes you need to make this duration relative to something else? For example, you want to move forward if a certain date is reached. How do you do this?InstructionsIt's not a date field, it's a duration field. You need to treat it as such. For example, if you have a date field you want to wait until, the following code should work:var sgd1 = new GlideDate();sgd1.getDisplayValueInternal();var duration= GlideDate.subtract(sgd1, fd_data.trigger.current.u_test_date);return duration;So we get the current date (sgd1), the date we should wait until (fd_data.trigger.current.u_test_date) and we subtract. If you check the flow execution, look for the execution data. The duration should look as follows:1 Day 12 Hours 18 Minutes