View and download an attachment in the KB article using the Document viewer as the anonymous/Public userIssue For the authenticated user the attachment is opened in the Document Viewer and the user can download it from the viewer.Is there a way how to allow to view and download attachments to the anonymous / public user the same way as the authenticated user does?ResolutionI have received the following update from the DEV team: "Currently if you are enabling document viewer, only after login a session will be created and in that session only you can be view the documents. So I don't think so even adding public roles to the viewer will overcome this issue as still the session is not created." Public users will be able to view the .PDF files if the Document viewer is turned off by disabling the system property: com.snc.documentviewer.enabledocumentviewer (=false) When the Document viewer is turned off, the Browser will open the files. It will open only supported files and rest will be asked to download to view the file.