How to disable Amazon Connect Instance integrationIssue You have installed Amazon Connect Integration with Cloud Call Center for evaluation and we have configured an instance for Amazon Connect. After testing was completed you wanted to disable the integration. Therefore, you set the Amazon Connect instance integration record to active=false. After disabled the record, users continue getting the Amazon Connect login Pop up while doing other activities, which is unexpected. CauseThe pop up for login happens because you have only set inactive the amazon connect instances table record. However, the actual softphone popup happens through openframe configuration.ResolutionWith purpose of deactivate the Amazon Connect integration, two different records needs to be deactivated: 1. Amazon Connect instance integration record: a) Navigate: Amazon Connect Integration > View Instances b) Click on the instance name that you want to disable, then set active flag to false. For example:https://<instance_name> 2. Openframe configuration record: a) Navigate: OpenFrame > Configurations b) Click on your configuration record to open it, then set active flag to false. For example https://<instance_name>