Multiple selection - Data Type 'Questions' when using Set Component Values (Custom UI) ATF test stepIssue Assessment Metric ("questions") which have Multiple Selection as a Data Type do not display as reference choices when using the "Set Component Values (Custom UI)" ATF test step. Let's use this example: An assessment has a Question[asmt_metric] called Q4 of Multiple Selection as a Data Type. The available answers[asmt_metric_definition] to choose from, for that question, are "Choice 1", "Choice 2", "Choice 3". More than one choice can be selected when answering the question. Assessment: The configuration for it can be seen in the [asmt_metric] record and it's [asmt_metric_definition] related records After creating an ATF test, and using the "Set Component Values (Custom UI)" OOB test step, you will need to "Retrieve Components" (more information on that can be found here) in order to see choices when setting the values in "Select a UI Component". When looking at the options displayed in "Select a UI Component" reference list, the UI component will not be the Question (as is with other Data Type).ReleaseParisCauseThe Assessment Metric Definitions are the ones which display as choices in the UI Component reference list, not the Assessment Metrics. ResolutionWhen configuring the "Set Component Values (Custom UI)" OOB test step, from the reference list of "Select UI Component", search for [asmt_metric_definition]'s names, instead of the [asmt_metric]'s name. Using the example above, we need to search for "Choice 1", "Choice 2", "Choice 3", instead of searching for "Q4": Related LinksCustom UI Test Steps > Settable Page Components