Planning Console is stuck in loading for some ProjectsIssue When opening the Planning Console for most Projects you are seeing that it is stuck in 'Loading' and it never loads.CauseIn this scenario, the issue was happening because there were duplicate Planning Console Display Column Records in the Planning Console Configurations. Particularly, the 'Actual start date' Field was being displayed twice in the Planning Console which prevented it from loading. ResolutionNavigate to Project Administration > Settings > Planning ConsoleExpand the 'Context: default' RecordsOpen the 'Project' Entity RecordOpen the Planning Console Display Columns List in a new windowGroup by the JSON Column fieldFind where there is more than one entry for any JSON ColumnRemove the custom entries so there is only one record per JSON ColumnRelated LinksIn the Out Of Box Functionality there is validation which prevents you from creating duplicate records in the Planning Console Display Column Table. However, if this is overridden by using Background Script then it can cause this issue to occur.