Agent Workspace -putting any value on Decimal or Integer field throws an error in console and does not saves the value if tried savingDescriptionAgent Workspace -putting any value on Decimal or Integer field throws an error in browser console and does not save the value if tried saving. This specifically happens when glide.system.locale system property is set to any European country, who uses ',' as the decimal pointSteps to Reproduce 1. Change the glide.system.locale to something else. E.g. pt.PT for Portugal. Need to logout and login for the change to take effect2. In the Agent workspace view of incident form, add a Decimal or Integer type field using the Configure > Form layout3. Go to Agent Workspace4. Open any Incident and open the browser console5. Provide some value like 12.3 on the newly created fieldNow move the focus to somewhere else on the screen. Observe the errorTry saving the incidentCheck that field is not updated with the new value.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available.Related Problem: PRB1458586