The flow designer PowerShell step fails when the credentials used a password that contains special characters such as parenthesis )( or ampersand &DescriptionThe flow designer PowerShell step fails when the credentials used a password that contains special characters such as parenthesis )( or ampersand &.Steps to Reproduce On an Orlando instanceIn the Credentials table, add a Windows Credential that includes special characters such as parenthesis )( or ampersand &, and add an alias name.In a Flow Powershell step, add a simple script, and set the credential tag to the credential's alias to be suer that crdential is usedExecute the flow The step will fail. The MID Server agent log will show debug logging along the lines of this, depending on the character: 03/16/21 08:57:46 (832) Worker-Expedited:IPaaSActionProbe-615f00f31b72ec10000f5533604bcbae DEBUG: Executing command: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -noninteractive -nologo -noprofile -command "& {& 'scripts\PowerShell\PSScript.ps1' -computer '10.x.x.x' -script 'C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\commandScript1778370078818152193.PS1' -useCred $true -ismid $false -isDiscovery $true -debug $true -logInfo $false -skipTest $false -executeRemote $false -copyScriptToTarget $false; exit $LASTEXITCODE}" 03/16/21 08:57:46 (832) Worker-Expedited:IPaaSActionProbe-615f00f31b72ec10000f5533604bcbae DEBUG: With credential named : Some Windows Credential 03/16/21 08:57:46 (856) Worker-Expedited:IPaaSActionProbe-615f00f31b72ec10000f5533604bcbae DEBUG: Thread name is Powershell is executing... 03/16/21 08:57:49 (355) Gobbling stderr: Powershell is executing... Gobbled: At C:\Users\SVC_ServiceNowUser\AppData\Local\Temp\commandScript1778370078818152193.PS1:1 char:57 03/16/21 08:57:49 (355) Gobbling stderr: Powershell is executing... Gobbled: + $passwordSecure = convertto-securestring -string xxxx&xxxx -as ... 03/16/21 08:57:49 (356) Gobbling stderr: Powershell is executing... Gobbled: + ~ 03/16/21 08:57:49 (357) Gobbling stderr: Powershell is executing... Gobbled: The ampersand (&) character is not allowed. The & operator is reserved for future use; wrap an ampersand in double quotation marks ("&") to pass it as part of a string. WorkaroundThis problem has been fixed. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix. The default behaviour has not changed, but a MID Server Property can now be set to allow them if required: Navigate to MID Server -> Properties [ecc_agent_property]Create a new record with name ""Set the value to "true"If the Credential is set to be specific to certain MID Servers, then the property can also be set to those same MID Servers. Leaving the MID Servers field empty will apply to all MID ServersRelated Problem: PRB1387024