Non-admin Users not able to view the Questionnaire on the 'Take questionnaire' widgetIssue Non-admins users, when trying to submit an assessment from the service portal, on a page, which uses 'Take questionnaire' widget, is not seeing the Activity stream or the Comments journal field to provide input. However, it is visible on the UI16 format for them. CauseThe primary cause was with the widget 'Questionnaire Conversations' not loading for the user. This widget gets called from the provider svdpSurveyForm, which is a dependency on the 'Take questionnaire' widget. Most likely, there is a user criteria in Can View for the 'Take questionnaire' widget is defined, but the same is not present for the 'Questionnaire Conversations' widget. As part the of the provider svdpSurveyForm on 'Take questionnaire' widget, which loads the 'Questionnaire Conversations', it explicitly requires the same user criteria to be available on the 'Questionnaire Conversations' widget as well (there are internal code checks for the same). Since it was missing, it was failing to load the widget itself.ResolutionAdd the same user criteria for Questionnaire Conversations widget's Can view (create an entry on the m2m_sp_widget_uc_can_view table for the widget and the UC).