Metric data units is not shown in insight explorer graph.DescriptionWhen we view the metrics in insight explorer, the y-axis value's unit is not shown which will confuse the customer in which format the data is fetched.Steps to Reproduce In Filter navigation goto Event Management->Metrics->Insights Explorer 1.Add configuration item to see its related metrics 2.Drag and drop the metrics to create chat you can see the chart and the values but y-axis value unit is not displayed.WorkaroundSolution Value's unit are not dynamically added this has to be manually configured by following the below steps: 1.Goto the metric check and run the test check 2.Check in which format the data is shown table and updated Units field with respective units . Additional Description In metrics chart Y-axis value's unit is not shown. In above graph value of disk_usage is in GB format but it is just showing value. Goto table update Units field with respective value (in the above case it is GB). Then refresh the chart in insight explorer to see the units. Related Problem: PRB1483418