Unable to Generate Text Index on Custom Table - Custom Table Not IndexingIssue Custom table which extends the Import Set Row table and not Task; it was not indexing even after attempting to generate text index on the custom table and Import Set Row.ReleaseAll ReleasesCauseThe reason why the table sys_import_set_row and a custom table that extends it was not indexing was because they are considered Transient tables. They hold raw and transient data before being transferred to/from excel sheets.There is also a property 'glide.ts.may_not_index' that controls which tables can't be text indexed, and 'sys_import_set_row' is one of them. Hence it will not be text indexed. When Regenerate Text Index from the Dictionary of the table is done, the logs show the line "Skipped indexing for table : <table name>"This is an expected behavior, and text index cant be generated for any tables part of 'glide.ts.may_not_index' property.ResolutionA new table has to be created or and existing once has to be used that doesn't extend the 'sys_import_set' table. The property 'glide.ts.may_not_index property' is hard coded into the instance, so it is not able to be modified. It is just not possible to generate text indexes for the following tables because the data they hold is expected to be temporary: sys_email, sys_audit, sysevent, syslog, sys_import_set_row, sys_replication_queue, ecc_queue.