Flowdesigner new line handling is different for hardcoded input vs when passed through PIllDescriptionError thrown: "Error: String contains control character" when executing flows with JIRA action "Generate Additional Fields" in Flow Designer.Steps to Reproduce 1. Hop into empmahi5.service-now.com2. Open the subflow 'New Line Test'3. It has a simple action which takes name/value pairs and does JSON.parse on it in a script step4.Add a new name value pair as input with value having new line eg `abcd`5. Run the subflow, the input will be passed as {"name":"ab\ncd"} and the action doesnt throw any error6. Now instead of hardcoding pass the subflow input to the action input value and run the subflow with the same value as above7. Observe that JSON.parse() throws an error and alos the input runtime value will now be {"name":"abcd"} WorkaroundModify the Script Step of "Generate Additional Fields" action to escape the special characters by adding the following to beginning of the script:var str = inputs.Additionalfields.replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\r/g, '\\r');var nameValues = JSON.parse(str);Related Problem: PRB1482156