Cannot overallocate user from allocation workbench DescriptionWhen trying to over allocate to user from allocation workbench, the following error appears: "The resource plan cannot be allocated as user(s) not available. Check the resource plan logs for details."Release or EnvironmentOrlandoCauseWorking as expected per script include ResourcePlanLogHelperSNC (which is the script include giving the error) ResolutionExample: RPLNxxxxxx Date Range - mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyyUser availability for these days in resource_aggregate_daily show currently -16 and User's daily capacity is 8 Hours per business day *note the capacity and negative availability can vary per user case. Be sure the total number hours = 24. >>>>>>> Review in this table: resource_aggregate_daily_list *Enter filter details for users and date range on the related resource plan, group by category. It is impossible to over allocate as there are only 24 hours in a day, which is why the error shows when trying to allocate.