<h2>What is the property "glide.cmdb.canonical.normalize.existing.canonical.core_company_records" for ?</h2><br/><div style="overflow-x:auto"><article><div ><h3 >Summary</h3><section><ul><li>The property "<strong>glide.cmdb.canonical.normalize.existing.canonical.core_company_records</strong>" was added to the system via "<strong>PRB1374599</strong>" to make the CanonicalUpdater, process the canonical names when core_company is added before the mapping and to control the normalization of existing core company records.<br /><br /></li><li>This property allows you to ensure that there’s only one core_company record that is set to Normalized (“canonical”) = true. <br /><br /></li><li>More specifically, this addresses the case when there are two or more records in core_company table that were marked as canonical = true prior to running the normalization job.<br /><br /></li><li>Having this property missing or set to “false” is equivalent and will do nothing (to rectify the problem with two or more core_company records marked as canonical = true). <br /><br /></li><li>This property makes no difference when you only have one record marked as canonical = true in core_company. Where it matters is if your core_company has two or more records (say “DELL Inc” and “Dell Inc”) that are both canonical = true.<br /><br /></li><li>Having set above property to “true” enables the processing job to set canonical = false for core_company records that were “leftovers” from before the mapping to the normalized value is done and to leave only one core_company record that is canonical = true. <br /><br /></li><li>This enables the job to later re-assign the proper normalized value (there should be only one at this point) to the target table (cmdb_ci or cmdb_model) that is being processed/normalized.<br /><br /></li><li>The normalization job does not delete records. It only updates “manufacturer” or “publisher” fields on the records to their normalized values. So there should never be any record loss here.</li></ul></section></div></article></div>