Hardware Model Normalization related activities not availableIssue Even after enabling the Hardware Model Normalization plugin found that some of the required actions/modules are missing. Some of them as below: Model normalization options on the Hardware Model form as mentioned in the ServiceNow Docs. Work with hardware normalizationCreate a hardware or consumable model No Hardware Model Normalization module available. According to the Hardware Model Normalization documentation the Hardware Model Normalization (com.sn_hwnorm) plugin must be activated by ServiceNow personnel.When you turn on the Hardware Asset Management [sn_hamp] plugin, this one will also turn on.ReleaseParis++CauseThe Hardware Normalization related activities requires the Hardware Asset Management plugin. ResolutionSubmit a request to activate the sn_hamp plugin/app as below https://store.servicenow.com/sn_appstore_store.do#!/store/application/6cd246601b9e0010cf95dd33dd4bcb8a/5.0.0