HTML code is not recognized for Additional Comments journal input type field in the mobile Details screenDescriptionIn the Details screen, HTML code is not recognized in the "Additional comments" field (Journal Input type field). The HTML code is displayed between [code]...[/code]. For example:Thank you [code]<a href=\"\">All incidents</a>[/code] In the "Updates" screen, the HTML works as expected. Also, this works in Desktop. Steps to Reproduce Ensure you have an applet to display incidents, or you can use the OOB request records. 1. Go to the OOB Details screen for the incident or request record:/sys_sg_details_screen_list.do2. Add the "Additional comments" field under "Screen fields".3. From NOW or the desktop, create a new incident.4. Using a busines rule or from Desktop, add the following to the incident.comments:Thank you [code]<a href=\"\">All incidents</a>[/code] 5. Note the HTML code is recognized and a hyperlink is displayed from Desktop.6. Open the record from NOW and click on the Details screen, the HTML code is not recognized, the following line is displayed: Thank you [code]<a href=\"\">All incidents</a>[/code]7. Click on the Update screen and the hyperlink will be displayed. The HTML code is not recognized in journal input screen fields.WorkaroundThis problem has been fixed. There is no workaround available. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In section to determine the latest version with a permanent fix your instance can be upgraded to.Related Problem: PRB1482090