ITIL users have no access to Task table and get the Part of the query on task has been ignored because of read security rules on task.sys_id error messageDescriptionUser has ITIL role, but when accessing My Requests or task.list, (s)he cannot see any entries and gets the Part of the query on task has been ignored because of read security rules on task.sys_id error message: Release or EnvironmentReported in Orlando Patch 9a. CauseOne possible reason for this is activated Elevated privilege property of itil role: ResolutionPlease uncheck the Elevated privilege of itil, or, if a user has itil role, (s)he can elevate to itil after logging to the instance (the user needs to click her/his user name in the top right, select Elevate Roles from the drop-down menu, check itil, and click OK).