ngRepeat:dupes error and no Labels shown when accessing Labels from a VTBIssue In Filter navigator, user goes to Visual Task Board, opens any VTB, and selects Labels, but no labels are shown and there is javascript console error that looks like Error: [ngRepeat:dupes]'order' Some labels are shown after user types in the Filter by Label Name.ReleaseAll Releases, but it is reported in Paris.CauseThis is caused by duplicate labels for this specific VTB in vtb_board_label.list.Resolution1. In Filter navigator, go to vtb_board_label.list, enter name of the board in Board column and Includes code in the filter of Label column - two entries are found, one active and one inactive: 2. Deleting any record resolves the issue: In Filter navigator, user goes to Visual Task Board, opens any VTB, selects Labels - all labels are shown: Related LinksPlease follow the steps below to troubleshoot the issue. 1. Copy the error from javascript console:'order' 2. Go to URL Decoder/Encode Decode the error above, it is what we have: in board.labels | orderBy : 'order' track by{"color":"#123ddd","order":0,"id":"d8dceecfdb012010a3f0d9595e961917","active":false,"value":"Includes code","dragType":"label"} 3. dragType above specifies the Column (label), and value (Includes code) specifies the label that is duplicate and causes the issue