Error in flow designer: Field 'record', Value 'null': Glide Record is invalidDescriptionWhen updating a record in Flow Designer, an error is thrown: Field 'record', Value 'null': Glide Record is invalidRelease or EnvironmentAllCauseCheck if the update action is updating a valid record. In the Configuration Details, look for the Runtime Value for Record. Is it set to a valid value? The error means that Flow Designer can't find a record to update, so the most likely reason is that whatever is defined in the Update Record action is incorrect. Reasons: Does the instance have domain separation? is the gliderecord in the same domain as the flow context?is the gliderecord object referencing a valid record on the platform? Is the datapill configured as a valid gliderecord? check if a query business rule is blocking accessResolutiondepending on the reasons stated above, additional configuration may be required