Flow is in "waiting" state even though approval or wait for condition has been satisfiedSummaryIn some cases, you may find a flow is unexpectedly stuck in the "waiting" state even though: The approvals generated by the "ask for approval" action have been updated to "approved", "rejected", etc.The wait for condition has been satisfiedInstructionsCopy the sys_flow_context record sys_id from the context record and run the following script in Scripts - Background: sn_fd.FlowAPI.nudgeFlow('<sys_flow_context.sys_id>', 1); Where "1" is the amount of time the system should wait before nudging the Flow, in seconds.Related LinksThe prior API nudgeFlowsWaitingOn is deprecated in favor of the nudgeFlow() API, which should also handle stalled approvals. This API requires a Record Watcher (sys_rw_action) record for the parent record (the one where the condition begins with sys_id=<sys_id>) still exists and for this reason nudgeFlow() is preferred. sn_fd.FlowAPI.nudgeFlowsWaitingOn("_TABLE_NAME_", "_SYS_ID_", 20); Where "_TABLE_NAME_" is the table the affected record lives on, "_SYS_ID_" is the sys_id of the record (e.g. the sys_id of the incident, change, etc), and the "20" is the amount of time the system should wait before nudging the Flow, in seconds.