"Original Value" are getting added in description of HR CaseDescription"Original Value" are getting added in the HR employee relation Case Description when created from Record Producer CauseOriginal Value are getting populated from OOB record producers such as "Employee Profile Update" to show original values from User or HR Profile tables for matching variable names. This is expected behaviour and is found in the script include: hr_CaseUtils https://<<instance name>>.servicenow.com/sys_script_include.do?sys_id=24c782869f202200d9011977677fcf89ResolutionAvoid using similar variable names that is being used in a Record Producer.The code from "_getDescriptionFromAnswers" function in the hr_CaseUtils script include can be removed or commented out if there is a need to hide display original values (from User or HR Profile table for the matching variable names) along with submitted values. See code below: if ((originalValue || originalDisplayValue) && !this._requiresUserOrProfileCreation.hasOwnProperty(hrServiceValue)) { var txt = gs.getMessage(' (original value: {0})', originalDisplayValue); filledValues += txt; }