Invalid insert error thrown when a service_offering record is being createdIssue Invalid insert error thrown when a service_offering record is being createdReleaseParis onwardsCauseNumber MaintenanceResolution1. This error is thrown by an OOB business rule 'Check Uniqueness for SN App Service ID' - https://<instance_name> 2. This is a new check introduced in Paris, where it checks if the value of the 'number' field of the service_offering record. 3. If it already exists, the BR throws this error. 4. To resolve this, please go to the table https://<instance_name> 5. Add the Number column and sort (z to a) 6. This will give you the last number on the table7. Now go to the Number Maintenance record of the prefix above8. Click Show Counter 9. Update the Number to the last number on the cmdb_ci_service table10. Try to submit the Service Offering again, the error should not be thrown.