Allocation Workbench shows allocations with no taskDescriptionAllocation workbench showing resource allocation with no task (or duplicate allocations)Release or EnvironmentOrlandoCauseThe confirmed allocations without a task are related to the operational plans that have been created and don't have a task associated with them.ResolutionYou can find the resource allocation plans associated with these operational plans on the resource_allocation_daily table. If you then search the resource plans with the name and confirm the allocation number given in the table, you can see which operation plan it is attached to. Please see an example below: 1. resource_allocation_daily for user xxxxx and dates between xxxx and xxxx2. Select a resource plan based on name: NAMExxxx (make note of allocation: RALLOCxxxxxxx) 3. Search resource plans for name NAMExxxx - see resource plan number RPLNxxxxxxx4. Open RPLNxxxxxxx - to see the operational plan its associated with - See RALLOCxxxxxxx in operational plan