Unable to login to the vm instances once provisioned in to Azure using provided password.DescriptionUnable to login to the vm instances once provisioned in to Azure using provided password.Steps to Reproduce To reproduce the issue 1. Login to cpg2. Create ARM Template which has passwords 3. Provision a Cloud template against Azure 4. Once provisioned, try login to the instance using the password we provided in Order form and It does not allow to enter into the instance WorkaroundThese steps need to be performed manually in the catalog. 1) Open the ARM catalog.2) Goto variable set: Provision3) Choose the variable of type 'Masked'4) Goto type specification: Uncheck the 'Use Encryption' field. This problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available.. Issue can only be seen in PARIS Version , Orlando and Quebec is working fine.Related Problem: PRB1478428