Frequently Asked Questions for Answer Workspace on Now Community DetailsFAQs about Answer Workspace on Now Community Why are there no recommended questions when I visit Answer Workspace? The Now Community leverages machine learning technology to analyze replies you've posted in the past 9 months to recommend questions. If you do not see any recommended questions, try answering more questions on Community by unchecking the 'Recommended' checkbox in the Answer Workspace. Do note: If you are new to Community or have not answered questions in the past, it may take up to 24 hours before you start getting recommendations. New questions posted on Community are recommended to Community users every 8 hours. The more questions you answer, the more relevant the recommendations will get over time. Why am I seeing certain questions recommended to me? The machine learning model analyzes replies you've posted in the past to identify areas you may have knowledge and/or be an expert in. As you answer more questions, the model learns more about you and will be able to make better recommendations. How can I remove questions recommended to me in Answer Workspace? If there are recommended questions you no longer wish to see, click on the 'x' icon in the left pane to hide it from view. For more information on Answer Workspace see: Build your reputation as a ServiceNow Expert with the new Answer Workspace Additional Information