Plugin activation/Instance Upgrade/Update Set commit deletes records from custom tables that extend [sys_choice] when the required Table column is emptyDescriptionWhen extending the [sys_choice] table, records can be deleted from the custom table during a Plugin activation or an instance upgrade or during the commit of an Update Set.Steps to Reproduce Make the [sys_choice] table extensible in the [sys_db_object] record.2. Create a custom table that extends [sys_choice].3. On the form for the custom table, configure the layout to not have the Table field show on the form. We need 4. Create a record or 2 on the custom table, obviously with no value in the table field.5. Activate a plugin.6. Go to the custom table and see that the records created at step 4 have been deleted.WorkaroundMake sure the Table and Element fields are populated for records on any custom table that extends [sys_choice]. The fields can be added to the form of the custom table or it can be scripted. Also, make sure there is a Choice Set for the Table and Element to avoid hitting the issue reported in the Knowledge Article KB0778454. IMPORTANT: Extending the [sys_choice] table is not supported. Related Problem: PRB1478482