SNMP GetBulk fails when the response packet is huge, GetNext is working fine to fetch the details of F5 Load balancerIssue F5 load balancer does not populate Pool Member details if there are many pool members.Request timed out Error is seen on the "Get Pool Members" step of the pattern "F5 Load Balancer" SNMP GetNext for the OID is fetching the data but discovery (pattern) will fail because it is will SNMP GetBulk Using GETNEXT instead of GETBULK in this scenario will fix the issue. GETBULK may not work if the response packet payload is more than 1 UDP packet ReleaseALLCauseThere is a Defect on F5 when using GetBulk as mentioned in below document when the data is huge. ResolutionGeBulk works if we reduce the max repetition number below 10, however we don't have a way to set the maxRepetitions. The default value is 10.Customer will have to use v2 credentials to get the pool member info in the above scenario.