When notification contains Fullwidth Space and Fullwidth colon (":"), characters are garbled.DescriptionWhen notification contains Fullwidth Space and Fullwidth colon (":"), characters are garbled.Steps to Reproduce 1. Go to System Notification > Email > Notifications2. Open "Incident Closed".3. Click "What will contain" tab.4. Chenge Content type to "Plain text only".5. Enter "インシデント : ${number} はクローズになりました" to Message. (Please copy and paste this sentence.)6. Save the record and click "Preview Notification".The message text will be "インシデント : INC0000060 はクローズに変更されました "WorkaroundThis impacts the appearance of the character in notification preview only. The sent email as seen by the receiving user is correct. Options: Delete the : and re-type it.Instead of setting plain text, make the email "HTML Only" or "HTML and Plain Text" and enter the data in "Message HTML" instead.Related Problem: PRB1368157