General Planning Console Slowness for Specific ProjectIssue General Planning Console Slowness for Specific ProjectCauseGeneral slowness for a specific Project in the Planning Console can be attributed to a lot of things.The more Project Tasks that need to load in, the longer the load time and the longer it will take for any action to be performed. Our Product team has stated that we recommend 500-800 tasks under a top task for optimal performance. To combat this, you can use the Client-Side Planning feature. There can also be a longer load time if your Gantt View is for Days rather than Years or Months. This correlates with Projects with a particularly long duration. If you had a 3 year Project, you would only be loading the 3 years and the 36 months under it. If you had the Zoom level set to Days, you would need to load the days and the weeks which would be about 1000 objects. All of this is considered expected slowness. Note: Above statement is true for the planning console in the Classic Project Workspace. It is recommended to use the New Project workspace which is performant and capable of handling 10K tasks under a project.