Test Case End Date is not rolling up to the Test PlanSummaryUpdating Child Date(Test Case) is not updating the Parent Date(Test Plan).Steps to Reproduce:Go to tm_test_plan > NewConfigure Planned Start / End Date and Duration Fields on the FormCreate a Test Plan under the 'tm_test_plan' table.Go to related list >Create a Test Case (tm_test_case_instance)Now Update the Planned End date of Test Case to Future(Greater than the Planned End Date of Test Plan)ReleaseQuebecInstructionsThis is the expected behavior of the Instance. We don’t have planned start & Planned end dates on the Test plan / Test Case.Reason:Once the test manager creates the plan, He will start the Test plan and set the End Date when it has to be completed by and the notifications go to respective testers with the End date for all the test cases assigned to him to be executed by. And once the completed test manager Signoff the test plan and there will be a date on which the test plan is Signed off.We don’t see a need for a Test plan / Test Case that would explicitly set the planned start & end dates.Related LinksHow to Edit the Test Plan End Date? The Test plan table is a derivative of the planned task table that's why all those date fields of planed start & end date are available and it doesn't provide any functional use on the form.The only way of updating the Date is a"Guided test Execution" where the Test Manager starts the execution by mentioning the End date.https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-it-business-management/page/product/test-management/concept/c_GuidedTestExecution.htmlhttps://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-it-business-management/page/product/test-management/task/t_InitiateGuidedTestExecution.htmlIf the Test Manager wants to change this, he can cancel the execution and restart with a new end date.https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-it-business-management/page/product/test-management/task/t_CancelGuidedTestExecution.html