Query Results tables created by the CMDB Query Builder feature are counted as Custom Tables, when they should not beDescriptionQuery Results tables created by the CMDB Query Builder feature will be counted as Custom Tables. These table names start with u_cmdb_qb_result_... and one is created for each saved Query. These tables are showing up as custom tables (in sys_custom_db_object/ua_custom_table_inventory) even though they should not be counted towards a customer's custom table allotment. The number of custom tables now has an impact on license fees, and so it is important this number is accurate.Steps to Reproduce In a Quebec instance Open CMDB Query Builder and create and run a query: Drag any class from the list on the left to the middle canvas.Click Save, and Run. Check sys_update_xml and you'll see a new table is created for this specific Query, to hold the results. This is normal.Check the custom tables tables and this query results table will be listed as a custom table/field /ua_custom_table_inventory_list.do/sys_custom_db_object_list.do WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available. When fixed, these will not be counted. In general, the design of an app like this should either stop creating custom tables or always extend a base table, which can be added to the list of excluded base tables.Related Problem: PRB1477877