Can delegated development roles be granted for OOB applications?Delegated development is typically used for custom scoped applications created within ServiceNow platform.Like say you are building your "booking a meeting room" application.However you can also assign delegated development roles for OOB applications like 'Human Resources scoped','Benchmark Client' which comes out as scoped application. In order to assign delegated development roles to these OOB scoped application here are the steps 1.Go to sys_store_app.list 2.Enter your OOB scoped app name( ex. benchmark application) the record and scroll down to the related links 4. Click on Manage developers link and assign users and their roles ( See image attached below) 5. More info about assigning these roles can be viewed here Developer and deployment permissions Unfortunately at this time, Delegated development is not available for global OOB applications like ITSM. You may want to consider some of the OOB roles to restrict access to specific development activities Base system roles Special administrative roles