Query Results for CMDB Query BuilderSummaryHow is the data stored in the query results table?How long is the data stored?Is there any cleanup activity on the query results table?ReleaseAllInstructionsWhenever a query is executed on the CMDB Query Builder, a result set is created and is populated in the query result table with a sys_id associated with it as belowhttps://<instance_name>.service-now.com/u_cmdb_qb_result_<sys_id>_list.do?sysparm_nostack=true&sysparm_query=&sysparm_first_row=1&sysparm_view=Every unique query execution creates a new sys_id and associated the result set to that sys_id and stores it in the query result table.The data in the query results table associated with any sys_id is stored for 24 hours.When the same query gets executed again and again before 24 hours, the count of the records for each execution gets o the already existing count.For example, when a query is executed at 9 AM today and the record count is 10 upon first execution. If the query is run 10 times till 8:59 AM tomorrow, the record count would be 100 (10*10) in the query results table for that sys_id.A Scheduled job "CMDB Query Builder query results clean u" runs every day and cleans up the data from the query results table, which is more than 24 hours old.https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/sys_trigger.do?sys_id=0cc01047db391300e35f7f8cbf961954&sysparm_record_target=sys_trigger&sysparm_record_row=1&sysparm_record_rows=4&sysparm_record_list=nameCONTAINSquery%5EORDERBYnameSo, as per the above example, post ~9 AM the next day, the 100 records from the query results table associated with that sys_id get cleaned up and the record count would be zero until further execution of the query on that particular day.