Knowledge articles display attachments in the platform but not in ESC Service PortalIssue When viewing articles on the ESC Service Portal, attachments on knowledge articles are not displaying when viewing the articles. They are visible when viewing the knowledge article in the platform.CauseThe page that is used to display the knowledge article as part of the ESC portal (esc_kb_article_view) does not have the 'Knowledge Attachments' widget added to it. Because of this, attachments will not display, even if the 'Display Attachments' and 'Attachment Link' options are selected.ResolutionThe Knowledge Attachments widget needs to be added to the esc_kb_article_view page. To add the widget: Navigate to the Page Editor for the esc_kb_article_view page (https://<instance_name>$ and drop the Knowledge Attachments widget to the desired location on the page.The page should automatically save. Note: You may need to change your application scope in order for the change to save properly.