Checking if a field contains special characters (Japanese/Chinese)SummarySpecial characters can occasionally cause issues with the platform. The following script can be run in Scripts-Background to check Instructions// Input parameter is table name that you would like checked// check("TABLE_NAME");check("incident"); function check(table) { var fieldslist=[]; var fields = new GlideRecord('sys_dictionary'); fields.addQuery('name',table); // Write the table name for which you need field name list fields.addQuery('internal_type','!=','collection'); fields.addQuery('internal_type','string'); fields.query(); while( { fieldslist.push(fields.element.toString()); } for(var i=0; i<fieldslist.length; i++) { gs.print("########## Checking "+fieldslist[i]); check1(table,fieldslist[i]); }}function check1(table, field) { var count = 0; var gr = new GlideRecord(table); var query=field+'!=NULL'; gr.addEncodedQuery(query); gr.setWorkflow(false); // Do not run any other business rules gr.query(); while ( { if (gr[field].match(/[\u3000-\u303f]|[\u3040-\u309f]|[\u30a0-\u30ff]|[\uff00-\uff9f]|[\u4e00-\u9faf]|[\u3400-\u4dbf]/)) { // using Unicode to check - gs.print(gr.sys_id+", "+gr.u_number); count++; } } //gs.print("Total: "+count);}