Typeahead search widget not returning auto complete resultsSummaryIn Service portal, Homepage Search when text entered is not returning results in typeahead/autocomplete then issue can also be with angular templates.InstructionsIf using OOB Homepage Search widget and Typeahead search widgets then check in widget related list whether angular templates for tyepahead search widget are present or not. If anuglar templates not defined for Typeahead search widget then it is cause of auto complete not showing results on search. Navigate to below URL to access typeahead Angualr templates and change the widget in both template to 'Typeahead search', this will fix the issue of auto-complete search on portal homepage. https://instancename.service-now.com/sp_ng_template_list.do?sysparm_query=idSTARTSWITHsp-typeahead&sysparm_view=