Email API response status code: 400 Bad RequestIssue When the JSON request has more than one emails listed in the request body("cc", "bcc") , the response is returning with a status code "400 Bad Request" and an error: Email validation failed: Email contained the following invalid recipient addresses:, *We can test the request in the REST API Explorer -> Change the "API name" in the upper left corner from the dropdown list to "Email API" -> Paste the request in the "Request Body" in the "Raw" module -> Observe the status code in "Response" field: CauseSyntax errors in the request body. ResolutionAccording to the documentation, the email addresses listed in "cc" and "bcc" should be of Array data type, meaning that each email should be wrapped inside of two quotation marks. Email API So, instead of having:"cc": [","],we need to have "cc": ["", ""],The same applies to "bcc" .