Live Agent chat transfer issue from HRSD Virtual agent to AWA (Advanced Work Assignment) chat queueIssue Opening Agent chat, the agent never gets the chat. Checking Interactions and Work Items they are getting created. The queue is correctly configured as well as all other aspects Turning on AWA (Advanced Work Assignment) debugging property we see the following in the logs: 2021-02-08 15:12:07.538 (glide.awa.assigner.69) Assignment resulted in an exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid table: u_awa_27f675e3739713004a905ee515f6a7c3_work_item com.glide.script.GlideRecord.addNullQuery( in ParisCauseAWA assumes there will be a DB view for each service channel with the name "u_awa_<serviceChannelSysID>_work_item". There is supposed to be a built in view named "u_awa_27f675e3739713004a905ee515f6a7c3_work_item" for chat interactions, because that is the sysID of the Chat service channel. It sounds like that view is gone somehow even though the service channel is still there. The business rule named "Support new channel" is in charge of creating the virtual table. To fix the issue try check the "update" flag before reactivating the channel and comment out the layoutGr.insert(); (line 16) though, since that layout should exist alreadyResolution1. Go to the following Business Rule: https://<your instance> Export the xml to have a backup copy of the original BR3. Check the Update to true and in the script comment line 16 and save the changes4. Go to the chat Service Channel and set Active to false and save5. Now set the value to true. This should then create the u_awa_27f675e3739713004a905ee515f6a7c3_work_item virtual table6. Do the same for any other Service Channel where you are seeing the error in the logs