Message "Record has been archived, to view it click here" is not translated to non-English languageDescriptionMessage "Record has been archived, to view it click here" is not translated into I18N non-English language activated in the instance.Steps to Reproduce 1. Activate archive rule "Incident - Inactive and closed over 6 months".2. Run the archive rule.3. Check the ar_incident list.4. Get the sys_id of one of the archived records.5. Try to open the archived incident<sysid of the archive record>Observe the message "Record has been archived, to view it click here".6. Switch to French language (or any active non-English language in the instance).7. Try to open the archived incident<sysid of the archive record>Observe the message "Record has been archived, to view it click here" is not translated.WorkaroundThis problem has no workaround and is currently under review. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1475826