In NOW Mobile, Search for Catalog Items is showing blank recordsDescriptionWhen searching for Catalog Items is showing blank records. Issue has been seen when searching for record producers created in a different scope than Global, such as Human Resources. However, if the user clicks on the black record, the correct catalog item form is displayed. These records are displayed correctly from "Browse Services." Steps to Reproduce 1. Ensure you have a catalog item created in a HR Catalog under the "Human Resources" application. 2. Access NOW Mobile3. From Services, ensure the HR catalog item can be displayed from "Browse Services"4. From Services, search by this catalog. A blank record will be displayed. Click on the blank record, the correct catalog item form will be displayed. WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available.Related Problem: PRB1457980