Archived records that extends task are not searchable in Paris releaseDescriptionArchive records for tables extending task are not searchable in global search in Paris releases. In Orlando and earlier, it is working as expected. Note: If the instance has been upgraded to Paris, the archived (task) records after the upgrade are not searchable. Records that are archived prior to the upgrade will remain searchable.Steps to Reproduce The example below is using archived incident (ar_incident) records and the same applies for other tables extending task, for example, problem, change_request.1. In a Paris instance (where ar_incident table does not exist), a. Identify an incident record(s) to archiveb. Edit out of the box archive rule: Incident - Inactive and closed over 6 months (and modify accordingly to ensure that the next archive run will archive the selected incident records) and check the active checkbox on the rule and savec. Edit the existing search group on Task or create a new search group (System Definition > Search Groups) to include ar_incident records in Global searchd. After the archive job runs and there are archive ar_incident records, perform a global search for the record (number) and verify that no ar_incident records are returnede. Navigate to System Diagnostics > Text indexes and access the ar_incident record and click on the UI action: "Regenerate Text Index"f. After the event - name: "text_index.all", parm1: "ar_incident" has been processed, perform another global search for the archived incident record and check that there are still no results. 2. For instances where ar_incident already exists and the archive rule active, only the records that are archived after the upgrade to Paris are not searchable. 3. In an Orlando instance (and earlier), perform steps a to d above and the archived record is returned in global search. Text index regeneration of the archived table is not required.WorkaroundThis issue is currently under investigation. The cause is the sys_class_name is not populated (empty/blank) when the record (extending task) is archived in Paris. In previous releases, sys_class_name is populated - for example, ar_incident. As the sys_class_name for the archived record is blank, global search is impacted and will not be returning the expected results. The alternative is to navigate to the archive table list (for example, and use the filter conditions to look for the records. There are other workarounds available (see below) but these actions will need to be repeated whenever there are new archived records and may not be practical/feasible since they require manual intervention. - manually text index specific records (one at a time) - update the sys_class_name for the archived records that are having blank sys_class_name (Support only). After which, text index regeneration for the archived table will need to be performed.Related Problem: PRB1475575