Reset AD user password / query AD action shows success when there is an auth failureDescriptionThe flow status of the action shows success but there is an error message says Authentication failure with the user ...➜ The handle error step itself has a success state in spite of the errors. That is to say, the window_error_code is empty which as design makes the action assume it was successful➜ In general, many systems use the error message as informational and only when combines with error code it is identified really an 'error'. Flow designer ad spoke cannot assume it is an error as there is no error codeSteps to Reproduce 1. Configure the Reset AD user password with the AD Spoke installed2. Use the Reset AD user password action3. Put wrong credentials4. The system will say in the step two Authentication failure with the user ... but the status of query AD action is success5. More info in screenshootWorkaroundWith admin privileges, import the attached XML because if you import the xml first and then update the plugin in case you have to do it for any other requirement, it will override the changes of the imported file.Related Problem: PRB1475449