Cascade Delete Issue The related/associated records are not getting deleted when the parent record is being deleted. In other words, if cascade deletion is not occurring as expectedCauseCascade delete rules are not configured properly ResolutionWhen deleting a record, if you are expecting the related records to be deleted and if they are not,Then look for the configuration for cascade delete rules is properly done.For example:If a record from table 'A' is associated with a record from table 'B', if you are expecting that the record from table 'A' should delete it's associated record from table 'B'. Then you have to configure the cascade delete. To do that: Find the reference field with which records from table 'B' are tied to record from table 'A'Open the diction entry for that fieldUnder Related Links, click Advanced view.Locate the Reference Specification section.In the Reference cascade rule field, select 'delete' For more information on this, please refer: Now, try deleted the record and notice that the associated records will be deleted