Flow Designer error: Record in table does not exist or is unreadableDescriptionWhen a flow executes, an error is recorded: Record in sc_task table does not exist or is unreadableCauseThe error usually happens on an input of an action or step. For example, if in step 1 you create a sc_task record and in step 2 you use it in a wait-for-condition, the error could happen on step 2. You need to check if the record is valid and exists. If so, also check if the type of the output of the first step. If it's a Reference and you output a String, the UI will allow this, but in the subsequent step it will result in an error. For example: var sc_task = new GlideRecord('sc_task');...var task1 = sc_task.insert().toString();...outputs.var1 = task1; If var1 is a Reference, it will allow this, you won't get an error. In the UI it looks normal. But then in step 2 you use this as the input if your next step (say a wait-for-condition). It thinks it gets a Reference but instead gets a String, that's where you get that error.ResolutionYou need to ensure you pass a valid record with the right type. In this example, the code should be:var sc_task = new GlideRecord('sc_task');...sc_task.insert();...outputs.sc_task_sys_id = sc_task;So the output is not a String, it's the GlideRecord which is compatible with the Reference.