Amazon AWS Route53 discovery is failing with the following error: "Pattern exit because Graceful Termination, reason: No Route53 Record Set is found"DescriptionAmazon AWS Route53 discovery is failing with the following error:"Pattern exit because Graceful Termination, reason: No Route53 Record Set is found" The discovery fails at the following step assuming A name DNS records exist: OOB step 17. Validate there are records, -> If both (dns_cname,dns_a) tables are not empty continue the pattern execution. step {name = "Validate there are records"match {all {is_not_empty {get_attr {"dns_cname"}}is_not_empty {get_attr {"dns_a"}}}terminate_op = gracefulterminate_msg = "No Route53 Record Set is found"}} Steps to Reproduce - Run a discovery using the Amazon AWS Route53 pattern.- Check the step "Validate there are records" and you can see the error: "Pattern exit because Graceful Termination, reason: No Route53 Record Set is found"WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available. Workaround: Step 17 in Amazon AWS Route53 pattern - ---------------step {name = "Validate there are records"match {all {is_not_empty {get_attr {"dns_cname"}}is_not_empty {get_attr {"dns_a"}}}terminate_op = gracefulterminate_msg = "No Route53 Record Set is found"}} --------------- Changes to ---------------step {name = "Validate there are records"match {any {is_not_empty {get_attr {"dns_cname"}}is_not_empty {get_attr {"dns_a"}}}terminate_op = gracefulterminate_msg = "No Route53 Record Set is found"}}--------------- Need to change the meet condition All to Any Related Problem: PRB1473504