Push notification is not getting triggered for the user who is assigned to on NOW mobile applicationIssue To make push notification work in NOW mobile application , the documentation to be followed. https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/utah-mobile/page/administer/tablet-mobile-ui/concept/sg-mobile-push-notifications.html The notification is configured to send to the assignment group but it is not sending the notification to the members. https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/utah-mobile/page/administer/tablet-mobile-ui/task/sg-push-setup-ios.html https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/utah-mobile/page/administer/tablet-mobile-ui/task/sg-push-setup-android.html if no push notification is triggered for individual members for the notification, please follow below to be sure if the application was installed correctly : 1) Logout from the Mobile App. 2) Go to the below URL and delete the configuration for the user: https://instancexxx.service-now.com/sys_push_notif_app_install_list.do?sysparm_query=sys_user_id.nameSTARTSWITHMissy%20Snyder%5EORsys_user_id.nameSTARTSWITHxxx 3) Open the Now Mobile App and log in again. 4) Go back to the instance and check whether the new mobile app got associated to your profile or not "sys_push_notif_app_install":https://instancexxx.service-now.com/sys_push_notif_app_install_list.do?sysparm_query=sys_user_id.nameSTARTSWITHMissy%20Snyder%5EORsys_user_id.nameSTARTSWITHxxx 5) Make yourself on your Notification Preference you got "ServiceNow Mobile Application" is enabled now for notification "Push Notification XXX". 6) If step 5 is good then, trigger the notification. 7) Check the Push Log:https://instancexxx.service-now.com/sys_push_notification_list.do?sysparm_query=sys_created_onONToday%40javascript%3Ags.beginningOfToday()%40javascript%3Ags.endOfToday()&sysparm_view=ReleaseAll releases.ResolutionThe assignment group record shall be checked as include members set to "TRUE". By checking it, the notification will be sent to individual members but rather the group email address when a notification is sent to the group.