Issue with Workflow and OLA not pausingIssue SLA set up to pause when the requested item moves to a Delivery stage is still in In Progress state even though the pause condition has been met.CauseThe Workflow is setting the Stage to 'Delivery' but SLA is checking for 'delivery'ResolutionThe example RITM0080308 is currently on Stage = Delivery In the XML for RITM0080308, we see that "Delivery" is the current value in back-end Checking the XML for the "Mailbox OLA" SLA We can see the following Pause Condition is set: <pause_condition table="sc_req_item"> stage=delivery^ORstage=waiting_for_approval^EQ Note the stage=delivery is checking for 'delivery' in lower case In the customers workflow there is a Catalog Task Activity: "Client Resolution" Activity The workflow activity is setting the Stage to 'Delivery' with an uppercase 'D' The SLA is then not matching the condition for this Stage since they are showing as different Because the WF Stage has a Label and Name like a Table / Field, the SLA is checking for the back-end value To resolve the issue you need to modify the above 'Delivery' Stage so that the Value = 'delivery'. i.e. ensure that lowercase 'd' is used.