Certificate discovery does not discover root certificate in some cases.Issue Certificate discovery does not discover root certificate in some cases. No record is created for root certificate in cmdb_ci_certificate table and "Root Issuer" field in the list view of cmdb_ci_certificate table is pointing to the wrong root certificate.CauseCreation of record for root certificate depends on info available in the certificate chain.We create the record for all certificates present in the chain and whichever is at the end of the chain, that will be treated as root. To handle cases where the actual root is missing in the chain, we display the last certificate's (which is at the end of the chain) issuer_name as the root_issuer for the complete certificate chain in the form view. For Eg. – For URL https://empasoe5.service-now.com/, we aren't getting the root certificate in the certificate chain. So we display the last certificate present in the certificate chain as "Root Issuer" in the list view. But, We display the correct "Root Issuer" name in the form view i.e. the Issuer name for the last certificate present in the certificate chain. ResolutionThe reason we store the last certificate in chain as "Root Issuer" is to group the certificates by the root.issuer_name and display it on the dashboard.Without having the value of root_issuer we will not be able to handle use cases like this. so it is advisable to always refer the "Root Issuer" field in the form view to get the root issuer's name.