Add signatures to email notificationsTo add signatures to the email notifications, one can use the following ways to do so :- The best and optimal way to do this is to create a notification email script and add the signature in the script, and then use the mail_script as part of the notification script. In order to create a mail script, please follow the following documentation : Scripting for email notificationsJavaScript in emailsYou can add the Signature as part of the email template in the notification and add the mail script created before to add the signature to the mails. Another recommendation is to use Email Layouts if you want. Having the same basic structure (eg a common footer): For options on embedding "Signature" in a central location to affect all outgoing mails, this feature does not appear as Out of the box. This requirement can be added to the Idea Portal, or it can be voted on (if it is already submitted). Our development teams will review and prioritise future releases based on feasibility and priority. For more information on Idea Management for Customer Enhancement Requests, see "Idea Management for Customer Enhancement Requests". Community Reference: Standard Email Signature/Footer